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Raising our children

      Our children in the world        

This writing wasn’t born to share exemplary advice about how to raise children by me as I am an indisputable expert of this topic. I am not this at all however from the grace of God I have plentiful possibilities to experience the consequences of my decisions by following my children’s lives. 
It is simply written for the reason that one of our deformed pictures of our godless era which leads towards that it kills the possibility for a child to have a chance to rich their earthly lives with real spiritual values.
The satanist principle, enmeshing the whole world ,more and more visibly steals itself into the lives of human spirits by embedding itself in a pink veil (although it has smaller and smaller possibility to do it like this).  The opposite does its job very accurately, it reigns the whole world by using legalities.  It tries to do the biggest destroy at the root as it knows it precedes the possibility of growing matured fruit. It doesn’t kill the tree since it needs it as well. However it is kept in alive by the fruit through their energy that they radiate towards it although these fruit are bad rotten. 
It flips its own symbols so easily into the people’s lives that I now feel that conscience and the divine basic values are died out from people’s lives. There is no scandalize, there is no aversion towards the Satanist signs, and death can walk among us freely. There are death’s head sleepsuits, skulls everywhere on everything in white, black, and pink, yellow and in every colour and shape. There are monster tales, monster dolls, zombies, vampires and trash-packs, deformed ‘heroes’. There are aggressive toys and games; there are videos and music from children performing some sexual story.
 Devilish rubbish is accepted and it reached its target. It doesn’t have to fight for it. People call it, buy it and create it in newer and newer forms with these fashionable signs on any products. Everybody purchases these ‘wonderful’ products of this world for their children not to loll out from the careful parents’ queue. Indeed, parents convince themselves about these rightfulness and they don’t even realise what products they lavish their home with. 
The biggest destroy is made by the ‘professional child-taker consultants’ who call themselves experts. 
When I am talking about this topic the reaction is usually is like that what problem it could cause to the child as everybody has products like these. It is only a piece of clothes, a picture, a drink, a toy; it is not a serious thing. And the experts and doctors must know their profession, don’t they?
This writing is not  written for them.
I tell this for those who call themselves Christian or they refer to God and degenerate their children’s lives referring to the Word. And it is for those who consider themselves experienced and such kind of people who knows the childish soul very well like doctors, and they make this generation similar to their deformed spirit. 
It is about much more than it really seems in methods. They make a great damage even if they are led by good intentions. 
What does it mean to be a parent?

God and man, Father and child.
As a parent it is our responsibility to raise our child in that spirituality which was revealed by Christ through God. 
What else could be a more followable example?
The duty of the parents with their entrusted children (as they are not theirs but God’s) is to do their best to their knowledge to raise them for God. Parents have to direct children’s glance to God, doing this by taking the children’s interests into consideration, giving them so much freedom as they can’t misuse it with such an extent with the law of love that they would be hurt through their deeds.
 The indispensable basic rules of raising is parents must be on the same will.
If it isn’t granted, then, how can the Christian principle lead the spiritual development of our children?
‘For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.’ Matthew 18.20
If this harmony is missing between the parents, then parents are not able, or if they are able then it happens with terrible pains, to grow the basic divine values into our children’s hearts. 
Our children learn the most from our examples, it is our behaviour which is always in front of their eyes, it effects them whether they want it or not.
Children have the most influence from their everyday family life. It causes them a duality both in expectations and reactions if the forms of behaviours between the father and the mother are greatly different. 
It is important not to forget what a child is able to accept at certain ages. Indeed, what is more important not to forget every child is different; they have different personality and spirit. 
Apart from this, to help the Christian disposition we need the same basic however we don’t need it at usual age or in a written dogmatic form. Parents must adjust themselves to the child’s spiritual maturity in every period of their life.
‘But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.’ Hebrews 5.14
I consider our everyday life biggest and darkest misunderstanding (composed very carefully) that spread ‘alternative’ raising method when parents let the children to make decisions independently. They ignore any type of ‘physical threatening’ and they tell them their behaviours are not appropriate hundred times, and with these approach they throw them to such disadvantages that the thought they made something bad can only be woken up in them through the nature of law with tough consequences and hard backward-effects. 

(Karma and Grace)
 “There are so called people ‘spiritually ill’ (which doesn’t mean craziness but spiritual anxiety, lack of self-discipline, a so-called ‘nervousness’) to whom a bigger physical pain or a bigger bodily illness can elicit a more favourable effect than any other persuasion, spoiling or finding good mood for them. As a more energetic effect like this forces the mind to find legal ways and methods to work off its activity and this activity is used up for regenerate the health of the body. This impulse to the legal path, this impression of the power drives the thought to its proper place and brakes the mind with its strong barriers not to ramble but stay in one place. 
If anyone has a big pain in any part of their body, then they must concentrate to this pain in every moment because this pain make itself realized by the pain. And if this pain doesn’t last for long then it results in settling in the soul. 
This is the same in raising children.  The rampancy of a child swings out as a consequence of spoiling and bad raising. And if this is excused for them once, twice or three times then it strengthens in their souls and it strengthens in them as a right and truth in their mind. However, if the parents think right and made a verbal caution, referred to the good sense, rebuked and none of these are useful and the child can’t see the rightness and the expediency of the caution but insists to their evilness then the parents use physical punishment. So parents can break down the rampancy with pain caused by beating. This pain is able to degrade and enervate the swollen consciousness. It makes the child cry and forces the feeling to be driven to the painful area. And in this driving the propensity for rampancy and methodlessness, pent-up in the soul, are dispersed and processed.  As the body works hard to neutralize those effects in the circulatory system, which caused great pains through the physical punishment so parallel with this the outer effect through the body creates the same result to the soul. And while the pain slowly goes by in the body, the desire to swing in the soul passes by as well because the power acted out in this pain-feeling. That’s why a man must suffer from different pains as in these sufferings much willingness to bad things and many activities to wrong tings burn down. It is hard to understand because the soul of a man is filled with wrong intentions. But after a certain time, the inner self, the controller watches the effects - created the healing of the soul through the sufferings - with satisfaction. That’s why you calm down in trust and pray every time with satisfaction with the belief in God because when this chemical process comes about in the soul and the soul produces an antitoxin through its sensitivity towards beauty and goodness, its  intention to good, with its great obedience to God and mainly through with its humbleness. Then this spiritual antitoxin itself destroys the intention to evil things, consumes and annuls those illegal spiritual small things, like spiritual-materials, in which there is a germ for great happenings and events slumber. So before it gets into the consciousness the rays strengthened in goodness and righteousness of the soul consume and annul it, so it doesn’t get to the surface and the mind doesn’t notice whether it exists or existed. Indeed raising and raising a soul is not a small thing! And He our Lord did the same with us: brought sacrifice from His love to get our tiny parts longing to good and true got nourishment and stand up barriers in the mind to bad to degrade its efficiency. They make this to lift up our feelings and thoughts to such light and brightness where we can see the truth and our discernment will be able to say a criticism lightened in the controlling self, in the divine spark what we must do, what we must think, how we must feel and it condemns all the illegalities that God’s truth doesn’t approve. It restrains and annuls them before they want to get to the brightness of the mind whether they are feelings, thoughts or ambitions which is about to develop in the nature of the soul.” (Karma and Grace)
Every word, soaked with dotage and pretended facial expressions, is not else but hypocritical ‘playing the saint’.
If the progress of our child is primary for us, then we, pressed our ego to the background, must do what really helps their progress and we mustn’t do what we need for our satisfaction, easement or aims. Wouldn’t it be the duty of a parent to save our children from all of those hard and sad experiences we have gone through? Isn’t it a parent’s duty to drive and let them to those paths which they don’t have to suffer again? 
We can’t have all of these by separating them from experiencing the possibilities. Nor can we do it by not taking these into consideration and just go forward with hand in hand. 
If we want to take our children for a ‘path’, at first we must go through it and recognize it. The parental duty and responsibility start from here. We can face with it and feel the weight of the sack that we packed through our lives with useful and useless things. 
What was revealed by Moses?
The Ten Commandments text in Hebrew 2 Moses 20. 1-17, a description in raw-translation and in pronunciation:

‘And God spoke all these words:
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 
You shall have no other gods before me. 
You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 
You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. 
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Six days you shall labour and do all your work,
but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 
For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. 
Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. 
You shall not murder. 
You shall not commit adultery. 
You shall not steal. 
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour. ‘

Without these basics we can only build on sand. We must awake of our children to the consciousness of these things and we must plant these in their souls. 

The childish soul must be done suitable to making the difference from good and evil by US, THE PARENTS.
It is OUR duty and responsibility what become fixed good and bad in their souls!
How can we reach it?
Let’s look at the bottom of our soul. Did we learn (and have we still been learning) to make decisions by reading or being told?
I am ‘envy’ to those who say yes for this question. 
No my brothers, unfortunately we don’t learn from others faults, but we do from the effects of the consequences of our faulty decisions. The duty of every single generation, family, parent, mother and father to give something to their children that is better than they have experienced in their earthly lives.
They have to show the values to their children that path they spiritually reached, felt, experienced and understood by their mind. They must raise their children on the ground of these principles which can result in leading them to easier decisions and to more honest and more self-confident (Christian) way of seeing to values. With all of these they can avoid all of those consequences which were made by the previous generation through the law of their wrong decisions. There are no schemes and frames which can help the development of a child’s spirituality (and now there are many people who wave their heads) but I must emphasise I am still talking about divine values. I am doing this because this is the point of the whole earthly life. As every soul, created by God, is different it appears in every man and child. The aim is not to change the true nature of our children! (It is not possible at all.)
Let’s look in ourselves and at us (we are the creatures, the children of God and we can’t forget), we don’t have to change our true nature we only have to change our scale of values and the forms of behaviours which origin from this. 
The body has more parts and each part must fill its own role. So, every child (creature) is different.  That’s why it is not possible to put on them an attribute (hyper-active, too sensitive et cetera) as every soul needs different care.  They have different tasks in the certain embodiment, they have to learn and overcome different things. They have to face with all of those situations that give them chances to step up higher on the stairs. 
I don’t want to doubt the medical or research intends of this science however this way strengthens the human selfishness. The selfishness, that explains that the parent did everything but nothing else could be done so it needs somebody who takes care with the child. The selfishness serves the social standards by taking the shapes of its customs and way of living. The selfishness that opens a new area for many people who think they are aware of universal knowledge of the right raising (which doesn’t exist at all). 
We should live as simple people as we were born. We should think it over that we have lived through to protect our children to go on a more straight way than we did. This is given for everybody; nobody can come out of it with anything.
We mustn’t forget as God turns to us and raise us we must give His love over to our children like this. As we need spanking they need it too to understand what is right and what is not. As we don’t get everything from one word they don’t get it either.
Raising children depends on two things considering the parents:
Anyone can be an ‘expert’ of anything, a believer or an unbeliever, parent or anything but the most important thing is rarely taking into account, the child who must be raised up (as all of the things which surround us don’t happen by chance) haven’t come by hance. 
Our children can be any type but they came here with aims.  They were born here with the same aim as we were to develop in spirituality in the hope of a new awakening. If we can experience this miracle that God entrusted His children to us, let’s discover His grace in this task. As we wouldn’t entrust our children to strangers how would God do this? If He entrusted them to us, He had a reason for this. We got power from Him for this task (even when we don’t want to feel it many times) we are not unable to do this task. Our Father knows our self-knowledge and capacity better than we think. 
If we want to give over His love to our children then we will face against the world, the people even our own children. 
One is for sure; Love gives us that serve our progress. It doesn’t do that we like.
If we want to serve according to this towards our children, then we have to awake us to the consciousness of the followings:
My Almighty Father who You are,
Thank you for the love you radiate to me although I can’t get it with my mind. Please My Father make my legs stronger not to stumble on Your path and to go faster. Give me my Father to get to You more closer and give it to my children too. I beg you to slake such Love into my soul that is somehow similar in some fraction to that love you radiate to me. 
Be blessed forever, in the name of Your Son Jesus the Christ!

(Everybody gives from themselves, do I entrust my children’s spiritual progress such a person who built his house on sand? Might not He base the entrusted soul on that sand too? What else could He do? A bad tree can’t grow good fruit nor can a good tree grow bad fruit.)



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