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The Sect


                                The Sect

“I don’t say any bad or good about anything or anybody until I don’t know it.”
                                                       László Mészáros

This expression can be heard from heaps of places and nowadays it exists as a negative attribute and it is issued as a judgement by condemning and excluding a group of people.

The explanation is simple what this expression really hides and why we use it so bravely because we have no idea what this word mean.

“Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand, and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals- these are the very things that destroy them.” Jude 1.10

Sect origins from the Latin word sequi which meaning is: TO FOLLOW.

Its nowadays definitions are:

“The sect is a smaller group which is separated from a well differentiated religious, cultural, political or social larger group. Nowadays usage of the notion is relatively inaccurate and a little selecting. One of its meanings is: it is mainly a not accepted religious group which separated from the ruling church while another meaning is: it is a group which is firmly cementing with the same view and it is separated from the outside world, it is a closed grouping within a community. The word both in the standard language and in journalism has a pejorative content. However in its original sense and in religious-sociological usage it is valueless, used for a peculiar religious, communal form. Religious-sociology differentiates the sects from the new religious movement or from the (destructive) cults.

Originally this word meant simply “denomination” or “tendency” as well for example Josephus Flavius used it in his writing The Jewish War for the three tendencies of the Jewish religion (Pharisaic, Sadducee, Essenian). In nowadays usage the denominations within a religion (like Catholic, Reformed, Lutheran, Unitarian or Baptist etc. in the Christianity) aren’t considered to be sects not even if they are very small (like Baptists). They are rather called small churches. Although in the Dictionary of the Hungarian Language this interpretation of this definition appears as well.”

I have seen many writings which drew my attention to the “sects” the devilishly evil, soul-killing and human-power-desires directed groupings. Mainly the leaders of nowadays’ churches who use this word but it has been successful to render this word into the standard language as a substitute for condemnation. (Maybe, it is easier to say.)

Concluding all of these, our aim is to have everybody a decision what the notion of SECT means for them, what makes this notion viable nowadays and how it actually manifests.

We write down nowadays’ usual opinion and we shed light on every statement with God’s Word’s light.

1-“Sects are such communities which entice the God-seeking people with false promises and wonderful religious experiences’ hope.”

In my opinion, the real enticement is if I profess that if you come to us and believe, you will win salvation. Christ died instead of you; you just have to believe in this. You are here; the gates of Heaven are wide open in front of you. YOU have already come to salvation, the rest of the people will get to eternal damnation, they will burn up on hell’s fire but they deserved it. Confess to me, I absolve you from your sins. You can commit anything; I will absolve you from it again. Just come to me and everything will be all right. (I don’t remember who you are but never mind...) Help me to build a church, restore it and you will win your life. The more you donate, the greater you will become in my and God’s eyes as well.

What is a false promise if it isn’t? By sending people’s souls to sleep, they preserve them to judgement. It is really awful.

No wonder that nowadays’ churches don’t hold out promises of religious experiences since lacking the living connection with God they can’t have experiences like these. By hiding behind Jesus’ name, they forget what the Lord said.

“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” John 14.12

2-“At the head of the community there is a powerful charismatic leader who always has his own will by having his opinion accepted compulsorily.”

It is truly horrible! It is a place where people accept the leader’s words. What is more he is able to have his way where he is responsible for everything and everybody. He is charismatic (its meaning is: based on supernatural donation) which is fully objectionable. When did God tell to any of His people to do this but consider it over what the others would say, since they might be right? Or did He tell to ask their opinion because He was not sure in His job? In every community, we can call them “sects”, the etalon is the leader’s word otherwise there is the same situation as in Moses’ time when he wasn’t there the people made a golden cow. (Everybody knows their destinies.) Should Jesus have apologized to those money-changers whom He lashed out from the church, from His disciples or from every person? Or should Paul have done the same for every congregation where he wrote letter to?

The biggest problem is that every church refuses basically that God’s Word could work anywhere else and there could be such a person who leads his flock by being led by God. But where things don’t happen by the divine suggestion they are the churches of nowadays. (It would be meaningless to write down why but let’s just think of the nastiness which has come to light.)

It is ridiculous and exasperating (mostly the latter one).

Indeed, don’t they need a leader at all?

 It is a senseless, arrogant and conceited man who thinks like this. He is like who never will be able to sit in the last row. And, he never will be called to the front but to the humiliation because he will be sent back after having taken the seat in the front. Self-realization, self redemption, seeking for myself and self-cleaning there are too many SELVES.  

Nowadays churches, registered (accepted by the world) congregations and foundations are busy with those who see differently instead of giving away their treasures.

I am asking: if their denomination works and has real connection with God, through His Spirit, then why are they busy with those people who find their spiritual peace somewhere else?

Where God’s Spirit is, there is freedom. There is no grudge, spite, cursing, contempt or incitement. Churches and other accepted congregations’ leaders say judgement over themselves with this manifestation springing from their souls.

They are hypocrites. A sectarian is who lives his life in today; in the form of which he allows himself that is enough for the moment. Holy and loving is who rather maintains modest externals but on his bank account there is large size of money and he has many properties. He could help with his materials but since the others don’t know about them he doesn’t do it.
Acts 5. 1-10

The real hypocritical sect-leaders won’t be found in “sects”, we only have to look at the first men of the churches.

One is for sure, they didn’t get divine charisma. That is why they hate everybody who is able to have effects on people from his own disposition and doesn’t do this by hiding behind externals, pretending, idols or customs as the churches’ leaders do with their full-of-complex dispositions.

Whether weren’t the Jewish high-priests like this, who were afraid of losing their positions and privilege, had our Lord nailed to the cross and stoned God’s people?

I go to worship on Sunday then I come home. I was there, they saw me ... I sang psalms, handed out leaflets, nodded and fell off from the “power of the Spirit” which my leader was radiating to me.

I was tolerating a man beside me who came to the church in the terms of the ecumenism (poor, unlucky) and I generously didn’t eff and blind him.

3-“Sects are especially dangerous for young and easily influenced people because they are invited in the name of love, so the sect will give them company and understanding. At the same time the “sect” will turn them against their parents (of course on the fundament of the Bible). Practically they will go through a brainwash and follow the leader blindly.”

Do those say these who, by hiding behind their clerical profession, force the “young and easily influenced people” to fornications? Or, may those say these who blink at it? Or, may those say these who maintain an extra supervising organization within their church?

But surely not those say these who are working on forging Judaism and Christianity together!(?) What is brainwash if it isn’t? Interlock with the one who crucified your Redeemer and who hasn’t regretted it since then, indeed!

It is nice when I get home after “Worship” and give a big smile and laugh at the racist manifestations of my family and agree with my family’s nationalist view accompanied with serious brooding on how I can get more materials and on the forms and possibilities of being successful in the world. I love my family and my loved ones so much that I want to suit to them at any cost. And, well, they praise me and caress me. Yet when I sincerely open the reason of my happiness (for example: my conversion) then they don’t caress me and their smiles are distorted. Because, how will you make the grade in the world like this???????

When Jesus says: “Do you think I came to bring peace to the world? No, I don’t, indeed, I brought disagreement. Because from now there will be five in a house who will disagree, three against two and two against three. The father disagrees against the son and the son against the father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother.”

Why does He say this? Maybe, the aim is to have war and anger between a converted and his family?

Then why do the Writings say that we must respect our father and mother?

This is not about this. If I turn to God and my acts change through my faith, then the things I had before will be stranger for me now and I will be strange for my past as well. But for my family my past is my present, they will look for me there but we can’t meet.

The respect lives, help lives, thanks live and gratitude lives to them but between our dispositions and way-of-seeing there will be such a huge abyss that cannot be surmounted. Our order of values and our values will be as opposing as the world opposed with heaven; the bridge can only be one: Jesus the Christ.

Men of the world don’t understand why we don’t laugh heartily at a joke. They don’t believe that we don’t know the subject of the joke or why it isn’t funny if anyone come a copper.

I don’t understand that “they follow the leader blindly”. What is objectionable in this?

Jesus wasn’t understood by His disciples many times yet they followed Him. Or should they have examined every of His decisions or discuss His acts? Nonsense! Where is faith then? If I accept someone as my leader, I can’t question his decisions and statements. If I do this, I can’t accept him. Either I accept every of his word or none of his. There wouldn’t have been even one disciple of Jesus if He had been seen with worldly eyes. Since He was alone and the whole world stood against Him. He had to explain his statements to His disciples ever so many times and if they didn’t even understand but felt the truth of His words.

Doesn’t blindly acceptation belong to nowadays churches or congregations?

 Filthy acts come to light everywhere: paedophilia, homosexuality, seduction, stealing, violence and huge amount of money from the believers’ possessions just to mention some. And, how interesting it is they go to the church on Sunday as nothing happened with pledging voluntary blindness.

Then who is blind?

I think I could carry on putting light on accusing statements but it is totally pointless.

Those who work hard to use up the divine manifestations with desire of power, they are accompanied with obvious signs. I would write in vain to those who think that is important if they belong to somewhere and they just want to live their lives without any facing, or to those who select in the Holy Bible among conditions of the path to God to keep or reject Jesus Christ’s words as they suit their taste. For them truth is worth nothing.

Look up the Holy Bible:

As Jesus was chased so will be those who really want to follow Him in soul.

A man can’t serve the mammon and God as well. While I consider important those things that other people think of me I am unable to act as the Word says to me.

God’s word is eternal and unchanged and goes with the same as it did if we desire Him.

There will be many who wake up from many places and from many churches as well. When the flock is collected, there the sheep will recognize their Shepherd’s voice and will follow Him.

The Father must be adored in soul but who doesn’t have sincere desire to God won’t be kept by his idols.

It is not enough to listen to God’s Word but it must be acted. If I agree with the things on this website but I don’t do anything it is no use for me.

If I don’t realize God’s grace in my everyday life and the real miracle is that I imagine for myself, then I will never experience the real miracle.

If I just wait for something to be happened but I do nothing, I wait for it in vain because the first step must be done by me.

My Friends!

There are many who take God’s name onto their mouth. There are many as well who talk about the Word. You must think about what the living are and what lifeless are in your lives! Knowledge doesn’t lift us up to God but the love inside us through faith does.

Yes, there are miracles! I wouldn’t say it if I haven’t experienced them from God’s grace!

Acts are needed, but what are these in God?

If I lull my conscience and lie to myself, I won’t develop in soul.

Act the message of the Holy Bible: Love!

If you don’t know how to practise love, ask God to lead you to such places where you will be shown it.

“The sincere seeker can’t let himself influence those prejudices which were made by those slanders who don’t live serious spiritual lives. In fact, the sincere seeker must examine very carefully the possible spiritual-master whether his religion is in harmony with the holy writings’ evidences.”

Following Jesus Christ will always be “SECT” in the world’s eyes.

                                                   Gábor Gédert

“The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” John 1 9-11


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