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We cannot say any new things about it. In proportion to our spirits’ development, we are able to understand clearer and clearer the essence of God’s truth. Since He is the same now, as He was the same yesterday and He will be the same tomorrow as well.
If you see your fellow-man has fallen, do not call him to account why he fell, but bend down to him and help him to stand up.
When God shower you with blessings, you are pleased and thankful. But if He does the same with your fellow-man, you will be overcome by jealousy. Selfish. Look into yourself because you can become unworthy of grace.
If you cheated on your fellow-man with one, assume it and give back two. Then your Father is pleased with your act and presents you for it.
If your fellow-man asks you something because he has not got it, do not say that you would not give him because you have little too. Hypocrite. Well, is not the little more than nothing? Share your little with him and you will be rewarded in heaven.
Do not boast of your little how much it is, be honest and give from which you have
Do not turn away from the poor because God sent them onto your path to test you.
Do not want to be suitable for people but live in God’s law and listen to the still small voice in you. Act in accordance with this and you will not be a hypocrite.
If you give from your excess, you do not give. If you give the half of you have, you are still stuck. If you are able to renounce, only then, you can give. This is the only way you can become perfect as your Heavenly Father is, since He can give.
Do not tell to anyone else that he is foolish if you do not understand what he says. Examine what you have heard because God can speak to you through him.
Do not turn away from those who turn to you but be careful! You must give everyone which benefits him because if give badly you cause harm for him.
Truth is destined for helping us in experiencing greater and greater quality of love.

Not the knowledge but our desires’ clearness makes us christian, while our desires are influenced over our quality of knowledge.


 Money was soldered out from the Earth itself. Its existence was regular. Money is materialized energy which is unbiased in itself. It depends on you, whether money becomes positive or negative energy, what principle you use it for.


God gives as much power into a man’s hand as He presents Himself for us. He presents as much from Himself as a man needs for his development for not being able to take fatal advantage of love.


God’s greatness is in His simplicity.
The clearer your picture of God is, the more you feel that love is not complicated. This realization results that black separates from white in proportion how much you possess the simplicity. This way yes becomes yes and no becomes no.  
Understand the Word!
I give thanks to You, my Father, the Lord of heaven and earth for hiding these from the wise and clever (pedant, argumentative) and presented them to infants (simple). Yes, my Father because this was nice before you like this.



Acts classifiy the spirit. Acts are effects. However reality only can be seen clearly if we recognize the reason of the acts. What we see is not that is really. Since someone has something as a merit it can be a sin for someone else. The question is whether it springs from love with helping intentions or from selfish and calculating interest.



If people noticed the beauty of everyday life around them, they would regularly feel God's blessing! Through this, they would easily take notice of those who suffer privations. They would act. They would do that love expects them to do, would help them with pleasure and without any pressure. 


 Salvation consists of deeds, and deeds spring from faith.


                                                 László Mészáros

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