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Easter I.

            On the occasion of Easter

It is hard to find words for what this celebration mean in nowadays’ world. However the message of this “event” is not addressed to the world.

Eggs, rabbits, watering, cards and bank holiday...

These are the things come into people’s mind about Easter. Unfortunately in parallel with these the people who call themselves Christian work hard to acquit themselves in all of these externals.

In churches some relevant parts of the Bible are quoted and told about the included events. Practically they emphasize the importance of the torments on the cross and bring out a man’s last hours. From my childhood, I remember seeing such crosses made of stone which had Christ’s body on them. It was fearful. There were arms and legs nailed and a pinched and unlawfully convict sacrifice.

People who think similarly like the above mentioned do not even know Christ our Lord. Easter is not the celebration of crucifying and humiliation. How can they be called celebration?

He died instead of me! I hear this many times. IT IS WRONG! IT IS AN ENORMOUS MISTAKE! HE DIED FOR ME! Man! You yourself must work hard for the relationship with your Father. It won’t be done by anybody else “instead of you”! The earthly dirt doesn’t work in God when people are behind bars instead of sinners in consideration of the payment of a sum. Only Truth is bright, sharp and unlimited.

Easter is not a commemoration but the pleasure of now. It is a commemoration of the Grace that we will be never able to comprehend. There mustn’t be bigger celebration on the world than this. This refers to the end and the execution of such a mission that’s gravity can’t be measured with earthly measurements.

The truth is, the task, undertaken and performed by Jesus Christ, brought the possibility for salvation for everybody. This is universal love from the Father, God.

Then, what did Christ give to me?

He gave everything to everybody since He brought everything. The point is rather what I feel from He professed. While I don’t get the answer for the above mentioned question until I am blind. Blindness don’t make me blind but leaving the desire for seeing do.

We don’t know who form the flock. It is for sure, the people who feel the spiritual message of Easter bethink and give thank to God by praying. And, greet their Lord since He opened the way to everyone who desire for Him and to the place where every spirit head for.

Be blessed my God for remembering us, your prodigal sons. I bless your name for sending your Son Jesus the Christ to us who finished the work that is indispensable on the path leading to you. It is essential for us to find the way home to the family “nest” to your eternal love and light.


                                                  Gábor Gédert


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